Running Hypergolix

Before running Hypergolix, make sure you have installed it, as described in Hypergolix installation.

Configuring Hypergolix

The Hypergolix daemon uses a simple YAML file to store its persistent configuration. This configuration is preferably stored in a subdirectory of your user folder, ie:

  • C:\Users\<username>\.hypergolix\ for Windows systems
  • ~/.hypergolix/ for Unix systems

However, Hypergolix can look for the configuration file in other locations as well. Specifically, it searches these locations for hypergolix.yml:

  1. at the path specified in the environment variable HYPERGOLIX_HOME
  2. the current directory
  3. ~/.hypergolix (Unix) or %HOMEPATH%\.hypergolix (Windows)
  4. /etc/hypergolix (Unix) or %LOCALAPPDATA%\Hypergolix (Windows)

All configuration of Hypergolix is done through this file. When you first run Hypergolix, it will automatically create the following default configuration:

  • No remotes (local-only storage)
  • Info-level logging
  • IPC port 7772


You must restart Hypergolix for any configuration changes to take effect.


The config file also stores the user id and fingerprint for the current Hypergolix user. Unless you record your user id somewhere else (for example, in a password manager), if you lose this file, you will probably lose access to your Hypergolix account.

You can also see these values by running the command hypergolix config --whoami.

Miscellaneous commands:

hypergolix config [-h]
-h, --help Shows the help message and exits
--whoami Print the fingerprint and user ID for the current Hypergolix configuration.
--register Register the current Hypergolix user, allowing them access to the remote persister. Requires a web browser.

An example hypergolix.yml file:

  ghidcache: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\ghidcache
  logdir: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\logs
  pid_file: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\
  ipc_port: 7772
  verbosity: debug
  debug: true
  traceur: false
  fingerprint: AbYly3OIxHORt5knuFOc7rHSj8-x4cihF3Lbf6tabx6WFRUAqV0gGe89dO0pk9ZNOEeDs5XYshcGfv3Z__vxkco=
  user_id: AcTsUOCtK-7iuyLtTnlwL6fgZ7iiw5v2hHmGpHWnoH5pJzECihIDtXn_AoqgrCnYTu0mx4RdAq9ymbzkFPy5zBQ=
  root_secret: null
- host:
  port: 443
  tls: true
- host:
  port: 7770
  tls: false
  ghidcache: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\ghidcache
  logdir: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\logs
  pid_file: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\
  host: AUTO
  port: 7770
  verbosity: debug
  debug: true

Process configuration:

The Hypergolix process can be customized with specific disk locations. You may also change the localhost port used for inter-process communication with app integrations.

The ghidcache directory is used to store the individual Hypergolix objects. It may be the same as the server ghidcache.


Though the Hypergolix app and server may share a ghidcache directory, running them from the same directory at the same time is currently unsupported, and will thoroughly break Hypergolix.

The logdir directory stores a rotating collection of Hypergolix logs. A new log sequence is created every time Hypergolix starts. It may be necessary to periodically empty this directory.

The pid_file is used to store the Hypergolix process ID, and to prevent multiple instances of the same Hypergolix process from starting.

The ipc_port setting controls which localhost port is used by Hypergolix IPC. It defaults to 7772.


Changing the IPC port from the default will require you to always supply the correct ipc_port to the HGXLink.

  ghidcache: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\ghidcache
  logdir: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\logs
  pid_file: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\
  ipc_port: 7772

Instrumentation configuration:

Hypergolix has various instrumentation capabilities to aid in diagnosing problems. All logs are stored locally, in the directory specified in logdir above.

Verbosity can be configured between the following values, from quietest to loudest:

  1. error logs only errors
  2. warning logs errors and warnings
  3. info logs errors, warnings, and informational messages
  4. debug logs all of the above, plus hypergolix debug messages
  5. shouty logs all of the above, plus websockets debug messages
  6. extreme logs all of the above, plus asyncio debug messages

Hypergolix can be run in debug mode, which will degrade local performance slightly, but without it, logged exception tracebacks will be incomplete.

The traceur key is currently unused.

  verbosity: debug
  debug: true
  traceur: false

User configuration:

The user configuration block sets up the Hypergolix user.


Tampering with this block can render your Hypergolix account unusable!

The fingerprint field is your Ghid fingerprint. Other Hypergolix accounts can use it to share things with you.

The user_id field is a Ghid reference to the object containing your account information, including your private keys. Without it, you cannot access your account.

The root_secret field can be used for password-less authentication. We strongly recommend against using this field until the login mechanism has been hardened, and even then, it should only be used for semi- or fully-autonomous systems that must survive a system reboot without remote interaction.

  fingerprint: AbYly3OIxHORt5knuFOc7rHSj8-x4cihF3Lbf6tabx6WFRUAqV0gGe89dO0pk9ZNOEeDs5XYshcGfv3Z__vxkco=
  user_id: AcTsUOCtK-7iuyLtTnlwL6fgZ7iiw5v2hHmGpHWnoH5pJzECihIDtXn_AoqgrCnYTu0mx4RdAq9ymbzkFPy5zBQ=
  root_secret: null

Remote configuration:

Remote persistence servers store Hypergolix data nonlocally. For two Hypergolix accounts to be able to communicate, they must always have at least one persistence server in common.

You can use any combination of remotes you’d like. To use only local storage (ie, to use no remotes), set the key to an empty list:

remotes: []

Otherwise, each remote should be configured as a combination of a host, a port, and a boolean indicator for whether or not the remote server uses TLS:

- host:
  port: 443
  tls: true

Server configuration:

The server block allows you to run a remote persistence server on your own machine. It must be started separately (and in addition to) the Hypergolix app.

The ghidcache directory is used to store the individual Hypergolix objects. It may be the same as the app ghidcache.


Though the Hypergolix app and server may share a ghidcache directory, running them from the same directory at the same time is currently unsupported, and will thoroughly break Hypergolix.

The logdir directory stores a rotating collection of Hypergolix logs. A new log sequence is created every time Hypergolix starts. It may be necessary to periodically empty this directory.

The pid_file is used to store the Hypergolix process ID, and to prevent multiple instances of the same Hypergolix process from starting.

The host field determines which hostname the remote server will bind to. By default (including when defined as null, it will bind only to localhost. If set to AUTO, Hypergolix will automatically determine the machine’s current IP address, and bind to that. If set to ANY, it will bind to any hosts at that port.

The port field determines which port the remote server will bind to. It defaults to 7770.

  1. error logs only errors
  2. warning logs errors and warnings
  3. info logs errors, warnings, and informational messages
  4. debug logs all of the above, plus hypergolix debug messages
  5. shouty logs all of the above, plus websockets debug messages
  6. extreme logs all of the above, plus asyncio debug messages

Hypergolix can be run in debug mode, which will degrade local performance slightly, but without it, logged exception tracebacks will be incomplete.

  ghidcache: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\ghidcache
  logdir: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\logs
  pid_file: C:\Users\WinUser\.hypergolix\
  host: AUTO
  port: 7770
  verbosity: debug
  debug: true

Running Hypergolix

Once installed and configured, Hypergolix is easy to use:

# Start the app daemon like this
hypergolix start app

# Once started, stop the app daemon like this
hypergolix stop app

When you run the Hypergolix app for the first time, it will walk you through the account creation process. After that, Hypergolix will automatically load the existing account, prompting you only for your Hypergolix password.


If you want Hypergolix to connect with other computers, you must configure remote(s). See above.


Hypergolix is always free to use locally, but on the remote persistence server, accounts are limited to read-only access (10MB up, unlimited down) until they register. Registration currently costs $10/month.

The Hypergolix server is similarly easy to start. If you want the application daemon to be able to connect to your server on startup, you should start the server first.

# Start the server daemon like this
hypergolix start server

# Once started, stop the server daemon like this
hypergolix stop server


If you are running a Hypergolix server locally, please enable logging, with a verbosity of debug, and consider enabling debug mode. This will help the Hypergolix development team troubleshoot any problems that arise during operation.

Using Hypergolix within your application

As mentioned in Hypergolix installation, applications should integrate Hypergolix using the hgx package on pip:

path/to/your/app/env/bin/pip install hgx

From here, develop your application as you normally would, importing hgx and starting the HGXLink:

import hgx
hgxlink = hgx.HGXLink()